The metaphors in intervention with parents: their efficacy in the improvement of family relations

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Carme Timoneda Galiart
Jordi Baus Roset


Metaphors are a useful resource not only to influence family relationships but to achieve positive changes in parenting behavior. Family intervention is essential in all forms of intervention, to the point that if there are no changes in family systems, it will be very difficult for a counselor or an educational psychologist to have positive effect on children and adolescents. The family often contributes not only in maintaining the problems alive, but also in generating them. Adults immersed in a negatively balanced family system generally also show defensive behaviors induced by emotional distress or unconscious personal insecurity. The use of the metaphor involves the transmission of symbols or anchors, which can serve as an effective tool to control this type of behavior, and is crucial to successful intervention. In this paper, practical examples of different metaphors for parents and their objective in therapy will be presented.

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How to Cite

The metaphors in intervention with parents: their efficacy in the improvement of family relations. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 25-34.


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