The bull-s questionnaire for socio-metric measuring of bullying. Actualization
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Analyzes, reports and studies confirm that bullying is a difficult problem to visualize if not through deliberate observation, because the hidden nature of the problem. This circumstance favors their expansion and maintenance, so it is necessary that the teachers, principal socializing agents in school contexts, can have a powerful tool and easy to use once. We propose bullying assessment through analysis of interpersonal relationships of the members of a group classroom. Based on sociometric methodology through peer nomination, the test Bull-S 3.3 (Cerezo, 2012) the test part of the study of the internal structure of the classroom by the criteria: acceptance-rejection, violence-victimization. Since the first version (Cerezo, 2000) has been incorporated situational and emotional aspects of the situation as well as other forms of bullying through mobile or internet. He completed the sociometric analysis assessing the status of each subject (Coie et al., 1990). In this paper we present the results obtained through the Bull-S test version 3.3 on a sample of 810 adolescents belonging to 29 intact groups of students from ESO are presented in this work (51.5% female) aged 11-18 years (Mean = 13.82, SD = 1.4), were investigated for the presence of bullies, victims and aggressors and victims sociometric position of those involved, as well as situational aspects. The level of incidence was 11% (4.8 aggressors and 6.2 victims). The results indicate that most places are indicated as scenarios classroom space, followed by the patio. The most common forms are verbal aggression and exclusion, and the most frequently observed is 1-2 times a week. Most are in average level of status and those who are involved in bullying are considered worse than non-involved and, in general, victims are most excluded. The revised questionnaire was confirmed as a reliable instrument (Cronbach’s alpha = .792 Aggressor, Victim = .841) valid for the assessment of bullying with a clear purpose and preventive application.
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