Optimization strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd
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The ADHD is a disorder of biological origin with neurological basis that greatly affects the behavior, attention, learning and that is often associated with impulsivity and/or hyperactivity. It is a developmental disorder that involves a behavioral alteration whose main symptom is neglect, a greater risk of school failure, behavior problems and difficulties in social and family relationships. Its prevalence is high, it is estimated between 3 and 7% of the school population (DSM-IV-TR, 2001) .The diagnosis must be made by a physician with training and experience in the diagnosis of the ADHD and its comorbidities. The psycho-educational evaluation is essential, because it can assess the relational difficulties, emotional, academic, i.e. the psycho-educational needs arising, in order to establish goals of psycho-educational intervention that deaden the characteristic symptoms of the disorder. The most effective intervention, the most comprehensive assessment and diagnosis more accurate, in most cases, is the product of the cooperative work of a team of professionals of a multidisciplinary nature, in a close collaboration with the family of the child affected by ADHD. From the psycho-educative approach, intervention should be framed within the family context-social and educational.
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