A theoretical-methodological proposal for the study of professional identity in educational contexts

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Mariana Solari Maccabelli
Irina Rasskin Gutman


The construction of professional identity is a phenomenon that has been gradually gaining more attention from the academic community in recent decades . Some authors reported the absence of a clear conceptualization of this construct as well as the lack of consistency between theoretical proposals and the methodology used to research it. As a consequence, the main goal of this paper is to present a theoretical and methodological proposal for the study of the configuration of professional identities in educational contexts. We will organize this communication into three main parts . In the first one, we will present the philosophical assumptions from which we approach the study of professional identity. Specifically, we will make explicit our ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions. The second part of the paper will be dedicated to present a theoretical proposal on how to conceptualize professional identity, referring to the main theoretical frameworks and authors that underlie our work. To do this, we will enumerate and explain the key features that, from our theoretical approach, help us to define professional identity, in order to end up giving a definition of professional identity that collect and articulate all of them. The third part of the communication will be dedicated to propose a methodological approach for the study of professional identity in educational contexts. To do this, we will describe a possible methodological design, with special emphasis on the epistemological, ontological and theoretical assumptions in which we rely to take the methodological decisions.

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How to Cite

A theoretical-methodological proposal for the study of professional identity in educational contexts. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 111-120. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.782


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