Human development in old age: an optimum aging from the four components of the human being

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Jerónimo González Bernal
Raquel de la Fuente Anuncibay


If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too much, not too little, we would have found the safest way to health.” (Hippocrates 460-380 BC). From time immemorial, aging has become increasingly concerned about humanity, and despite increasingly know more about this process, even today, in the XXI century, very little is known. Being a universal process, concluding with transcendence in death, science has not found as slow or prevent aging. However, in the course of history with their different eras, cycles and wars, has achieved an increase in life expectancy, ranking it in around 30 years, until the twentieth century’s most spectacular breakthrough came, passing to be around 80 years. A value that grows 2.5 years every decade, and find its roof shortly, if science does not intervene. We can say therefore that there are many forms of aging, and live an average of 90 years. From these premises, we address a key issue: what can I do to age well, to take care,-considering that optimal care for aging are known from remote times, and second, no less important?: how I can do?. We conclude by pointing out the importance and necessity of physical exercise and to maintain a balanced diet, compared to this, technological and cultural changes lead to a society with opposite effects, more and more overweight and sedentary, which feeds the above. The key is not so much about what they have to do, as what I can do to get it. This arrowhead is that we have to address in the immediate generations to live longer and better.

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How to Cite

Human development in old age: an optimum aging from the four components of the human being. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 121-130.


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