Personal strengths and virtues of teachers and their relationship with teacher self-efficacy
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This study examines the relationship between personal strengths and virtues and teacher selfefficacy. For it, it is based on two theoretical frameworks, on the one hand, the contributions of Positive Psychology, and secondly, the principles of Social Cognitive Theory. The study was conducted at all levels of education, from Childhood education to Higher education, in two countries, Dominican Republic and Spain, with a sample of 454 teachers. The instruments used were the Personal Strengths Questionnaire VIA (Values in Action Inventory of Strengths: VIA-IS), which assesses personal strengths, and Teacher Efficacy Scale (Teacher Efficacy Scale), which measures two dimensions: Teacher Effectiveness and Personal Effectiveness. The results obtained through the analysis of correlation and regression indicate, firstly, significant correlations between the two dimensions of the Teacher Efficacy Scale and the six Personal Virtues, and, secondly, the predictive ability with respect to the Effectiveness teaching, a Personal Virtue: Humanity and Love. From this empirical justification, in discussions of work incorporate arises in the initial and continuing teacher education, the Personal Strengths and Virtues, since they are the basis for growth personal and professional effectiveness, well-being and development of the potential of each person.
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