Empowerment as a successful strategy in the initial teacher training

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Isabel Mª Gómez Barreto
Asunción Lledó Carreres
Teresa Mª Perandones González
Lucía Herrera Torres


Current information and knowledge society characterized by rapid changes and constant uncertainty require universities to implement training models oriented to future professionals will respond to such characteristics in different scenarios to develop. In this sense, the training model based on raised competition in the Tuning project, according to Gonzalez and Wagenaar (2003), aims to respond to it. However there are significant results from the research in different Spanish universities that reveal the deficiency in the development of skills that have to develop future teachers, as it is the case that is incumbent upon us. Therefore, this paper describes a didactic proposal that raises student empowerment as a strategy of success and well-being for developing personal and professional competencies in future teachers, from a perspective of empowerment as a process of consciousness that realizes the student’s capabilities and potential, and the relationship with the world that surrounds him. For it, certain theoretical and methodological aspects proposed by the cultural historical psychology, positive psychology, and discourse analysis are attended, as well as approaches to teaching basic principles to promote the development of awareness, commitment and responsibility for the learning of students, at the same time that discover their potential and experience selfmotivation, well-being, and self-improvement.

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Empowerment as a successful strategy in the initial teacher training. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 151-160. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.786


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