Assessment of prospective teachers about affective domain in nature field trips as teaching and learning activities

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Emilio Costillo Borrego
Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés
Mª Antonia Dávila Acedo
María Brígido Mero


Science field trips of students have a positive impact about learning-teaching of Biology and Geology area. Nevertheless, few teachers carry out such activities in the right way. One reason could be the lack of studies concerning to activities focusing in the cognitive and affective teacher domains, especially in the first step of teacher education. Preliminary studies of our research group have shown that future teachers have wrong pedagogical concepts about these activities, sometimes related to their own experience as students. We study the assessment of prospective teachers about affective domain in nature field trips as teaching and learning activities. We analyzed 130 prospective teachers, 81 primary prospective teachers and 49 secondary prospective teachers. We use a single reflection on the merits of the science field trips with respect to the classroom. These prospective teachers were very much in agreement with the importance of these activities in enhancing their pupils’ affective domain. The 49.22% reported that science field trips generated improvements in the affective domain. Although this percentage is higher in secondary prospective teachers than primary prospective teachers (55.10% vs. 49.68%), the differences were not significant. No significant differences were found regarding gender of prospective teachers. Currently when it dominates a negative view of science among students is an important role for these activities. Therefore it is necessary to work these science field trip in-prospective teachers as they play a key role in the teaching and learning of these subjects.

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Assessment of prospective teachers about affective domain in nature field trips as teaching and learning activities. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 213-220.


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