A study on the language attitudes of the students in Catalonia

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Judit Janés
Adelina Lanos
Carmen Poalelungi
Xosé-Antón González-Riaño


This study arises from the need to encourage positive attitudes toward the languages spoken in Catalonia among immigrant students, in order to promote their integration and language acquisition. Consequently, we analyzed the language attitudes toward Catalan, Castilian and English of 673 autochthonous and 500 immigrant students enrolled in 10 centers of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in Catalonia. The results show that both groups manifested significantly different attitudinal patterns. These differences probably reflect the various meanings and representations granted to the official languages ??of the territory by the autochthonous and immigrant students. Catalan was highly valued by the autochthonous group, which showed more favorable attitudes toward this language than toward all others, and also attitudes more favorable than those of the immigrant students. Moreover, immigrant students showed a clear preference for Castilian. Furthermore, attitudes towards English were also positive, possibly reflecting its role as an international lingua franca. Consequently, these results suggest that the particularities of the immigrant students should be taken into consideration when planning and implementing linguistic and educational measures.

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How to Cite

A study on the language attitudes of the students in Catalonia. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 353-364. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.806


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