Homework motivation and involvement throughout elementary school

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Bibiana Regueiro
Irene Pan
Antonio Valle
José C. Núñez
Natalia Suárez
Pedro Rosário


The current work aims to study and find out any possible variations concerning homework motivation and involvement among students with different achievement levels. The sample consists of 535 students attending the three last year levels of Elementary School. Findings suggest that as achievement grows higher the better the intrinsic homework motivation, the more the perceived homework instrumentality, the bigger the amount of homework completed and the better the homework time management are. However, homework interest, attitude towards homework and time spent on homework show no significant statistic variation relating to the different levels of achievement. On the other hand, as students progress along the elementary school year levels their intrinsic homework motivation, their homework interest and their attitude towards homework deteriorate. Although students spend longer time completing homework, their homework time management becomes worse. No statistic differences have been found among the several school year levels studied relating to the amount of homework completed.

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How to Cite

Homework motivation and involvement throughout elementary school. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 425-436. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.812


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