Potentiating the quality of relationships: mediation with asperger students and adhd

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Josefina Rodríguez Bravo
Jasone Mondragón Lasagabaster


The existence of the Mediation Service in a school allows students to have the opportunity to express the thoughts and emotions that can embarrass them, anger or pressure with respect to the relationships they have with their classmates. The experience carried out during the last two years from the Mediation Service has allowed us to verify that there are more and more mediations where students share experiences of marginalization and exclusion towards classmates, whether due to physical appearance or diversity. cultural, for special educational needs, or for issues of social and economic class, but in a very different way to how they express it in other contexts that are not those that foster the space of the Mediation. The first reality for which it is necessary to initiate this communication is that, during the last two courses and especially in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, it can be seen that there is a greater school population with difficulties in social skills in schools and colleges . In fact many conflicts arise with these students, especially those who have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and students with Asperger. For these students, contact with peers is a great effort and does not always carry with them the reward of being able to understand or get them to understand, which always leads to some conflict at a personal level and a certain impact on the social climate of relationships and the coexistence.

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How to Cite

Potentiating the quality of relationships: mediation with asperger students and adhd. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 449-452. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2014.n1.v7.814