Identification and analysis of the mathematical competition index at early age

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Antonio Araújo Hoyos


The theory and practice on the development and teaching of mathematical concepts in young children has been strongly influenced by this logical operations model of Piaget and Szeminska (1941). The Piagetian position points to a strong relationship between logical operations and numerical concepts and also with arithmetic operations. The Piagetian model has received various criticisms calling into question the logical model of the number, since it would provide an incomplete explanation of the numerical competences in the child. Mayer et al., (2002) point out the importance of counting in mathematical development. On the other hand, Bryant and Nunes (2002) have suggested that the basis of mathematical development is logical thinking, the teaching of the conventional numbering system and the significant and contextualized learning of mathematical contents. Another point of view that we call interactionist assumes that Piagetian operations and counting together contribute to the development of the number. With this approach, the development of the number is reformulated by the construct called early mathematical competence (CMT). A sufficient level of CMT is a requirement to be able to follow a formal mathematics education (Kroesbergen, et al., 2009), hence it is of high interest to be able to achieve a procedure for evaluating this type of competence. In this sense, the Van Luit group has developed a successful evaluation procedure through the Early Numeracy Test-R (Van Luit et al., 2009). This test evaluates 9 components in children from 4 to 7 years old: Comparison, Classification, One-to-one correspondence, Seriation, Verbal count, Structured count, Resulting count or counting result (without pointing), General knowledge of numbers and Estimation. For this work the computerized Spanish version has been used, with the aim of standardizing it. A total of 1391 students participated in this study (747 boys and 644 girls). The evaluated participants had an age range between 48 and 95 months. The test, (Alpha = 0.902) allows to establish an index of the CMT in 6 levels, taking into account the evolutionary characteristics of the participants, concentrated in 10 age groups. For each of the levels, the test places the student according to the result in a quantitative and qualitative value with respect to the reference age group. The advantage of this CMT index is that it has a considerable predictive value with respect to mathematical performance, allowing an early detection of learning difficulties.

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How to Cite

Identification and analysis of the mathematical competition index at early age. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 495-506.


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