Strategies to evaluate motivation of achievement and responsibility in the field of higher education

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Consuelo Morán Astorga
Manuel López Moya


This proposal for educational innovation focuses on developing a system for evaluating transversal competencies (achievement motivation, responsibility and autonomous work). The new trends of peer evaluation and self-evaluation will be applied. It will be carried out in different subjects, both in Bachelor's and Master's degrees that are taught at the University of León and Salamanca. A relevant contribution of the project is to allow contrasting the degree of performance of these competences in some subjects of these degrees through objective indicators. It will also allow the development of skills and abilities useful for the professional and personal field of students, including the ability to analyze critically, to contrast ideas, to take responsibility and to respect others. The main objective is to establish clarity in the criteria and procedures for evaluating transversal competences, as well as to design instruments and techniques that facilitate the participation of students in the evaluation. Moodle will be used as a platform for communication and dissemination of assessment instruments, as well as for the systematic collection of data. The instruments used in the evaluation will be the Academic Achievement Goal Questionnaire and the NEO FFI Accountability subscale, both in their two versions, self-evaluation and peer evaluation. This proposal for the evaluation of transversal competences may be transferable to other educational contexts and to other types of competences. It also fosters creativity and innovation, which are so important for the development of the knowledge society of the 21st century. The motivation of achievement and responsibility are factors that contribute to economic prosperity, as well as social and individual well-being, essential for a more competitive and dynamic society. University education is a central element in the promotion of creative and innovative capacities.

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How to Cite

Strategies to evaluate motivation of achievement and responsibility in the field of higher education. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 579-580.