Factorial structure analysis of the aprender a convivir program observation scale in 3-year old (roac-3)
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The present study analyzes the factorial structure and the internal consistency of the observation scale of the Aprender a Convivir program for 3-year-old (ROAC-3) used to assess student learning related with the contents worked on the Aprender a Convivir program. Aprender a Convivir program is aimed at 3 to 7-year-old students and develop social competence with a preventive purpose (Alba, Justicia-Arráez, Pichardo y Justicia, 2013). Results show the existence of seven factors within the ROAC-3, after the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis performed. Likewise, a social competence one-factor model was found for the scale, considering that the variables were positively and statistically significant around the social competence latent factor. In general, internal consistency coefficients of ROAC-3 were adequate.
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How to Cite
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