Attitudes, barriers and opportunities for the employment of persons with intellectual disability

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Noelia Flores
Cristina Janero
Raluca Tomşa
Jesús López Lucas
Marina Beltrán


In our society, employment represents one of the most important aspects that condition our life and relationships and even our health. Work is one of the fundamental activities of life. However, access to it is conditioned by a series of personal and contextual variables that, in interaction, become barriers to participation in society. A traditionally excluded group is composed of people with disabilities. The objective of this work was to: 1) Evaluate the perceptions of workers with intellectual disabilities about their quality of work life; 2) Know the main attitudes, barriers and opportunities that favor and / or hinder employment in these workers; and 3) Identify areas of intervention to improve the quality of work life in workers and organizations. To this end, the opinions expressed by 12 workers with intellectual disabilities who currently worked in Supported Employment (ECA) using qualitative methodologies through the focus group procedure and through the analysis of textual fragments were analyzed. The results obtained showed that the quality of working life is a multidimensional construct formed by objective and subjective indicators, and that the attitudes, barriers and opportunities perceived by the workers impact on their well-being. Finally, strategies are proposed to improve the services oriented towards the standardized employment of people with intellectual disabilities.

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How to Cite

Attitudes, barriers and opportunities for the employment of persons with intellectual disability. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 613-619.


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