Motivation as a transforming action in positive therapy

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María Enriqueta Peñaguirre Cano
Jorge Ernesto Maldonado Arreguin


Based on the theory of positive psychology, Is intended to demonstrate the role of motivation in positive therapeutic activity, in which the therapist accompanies the patient and guides him in the learning that leads to the self-discovery of the tools that as a human possesses (Self esteem, creativity, intrinsic motivation, resilience, spiritual dimension, free will) achieving an empowerment that is mobilized through the extrinsic motivation worked in therapy to reach subjective well-being, considering also a well-being in the conditions of life that they can modify: Project of life, sense of life, healthy habits focused on learning, growth and satisfaction, establishment of harmonious interpersonal relationships. Using a qualitative, ethnographic methodology, using positive therapy during the last 12 years, in a sample of 3,312 people attended, of which approximately 98% finished successfully the therapeutic work, The important role of motivation in therapeutic work was demonstrated.

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Author Biography

María Enriqueta Peñaguirre Cano, UNIVERSIDAD DE GUANAJUATO

Master en Psicología, Profesor del programa de PSICOLOGIA

del Campus Celaya Salvatierra de la Universidad de Guanajuato.

How to Cite

Motivation as a transforming action in positive therapy. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 155-162.


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