Attachment and cyber-violence in dating of teenage
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Cyber dating violence is a growing phenomenon affecting young people and adolescents (Borrajo, Gámez-Guadix, Pereda and Calvete, 2015) which may be modulated or precipitated by the predominant attachment style in a relationship (Rubio-Garay, Carrasco, Amor and López-González, 2015). Therefore, the objective of this research is to explore if there is a relationship between the type of adult attachment and the experience of cyber-violence in Mexican teenage dating relationships. Methodology. Quantitative and cross-sectional study with non-experimental and ex post facto design. Participants were 726 Mexican students (397 women and 329 men) aged 14-19 years (M =16.17, SD = 0.99). Results: Men suffered more control and direct aggression committed and suffered. No strong associations were found between cyber dating violence and adult attachment. Conclusions: Results pointed out the convenience of studying other forms of cyber-violence of the couple and their co-occurrence with other forms of violence, in order to promote or improve prevention programs based on new trends in behavior and affective relationships of adolescents and young people.
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