Level of knowledge by high-level students in financial topics on expenditure and credit, savings and investment and the administration of money
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The aim of this paper is focused in measure the level of knowledge they have high school students about financial topics such as: spending and credit, savings and investment and money management. The participants were 368 students of different high schools in three municipalities of the State of Veracruz, México who were selected from of the stratified sample. The questionnaire is a scale that includes 31 items of multiple choices in the form of cases where there is only one correct answer of the total four options. The instrument showed acceptable Chronbach alpha reliability and internal consistency ( greater than 0.7). The results lead us to think that there is a lack of knowledge about the usefulness of pensions, the issues related to insurance, the impact of inflation on salaries of people workers, even an interesting fact is that although it was known that there is a knowledge about the basic channels of saving, they denote lack of knowledge towards the investment instruments, especially those that by their nature are associated with the capital markets.
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