Child and youth school anxiety: a review of self-reports

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Aitana Fernández-Sogorb
Mª Isabel Gómez-Núñez
María Vicent
M.P. Aparicio-Flores
David Aparisi-Sierra
Cándido J. Inglés Saura


School anxiety is a set of cognitive, motor and psychophysiological responses emitted by a person in school situations that are perceived as a threat. The research objectives of this study were two. The first one was to describe school anxiety self-reports that have been elaborated and/or validated between 2005 and 2015: School Anxiety Inventory, School Anxiety Inventory-Short Version, Children’s Anxiety in Math Scale, and Test Anxiety Inventory for Children and Adolescents. The second aim was to analyze the reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) and validity (factorial structure) of the inventories and the scale mentioned above. Results suggest that the psychometric properties of these instruments are suitable. Therefore, these can be used by clinical and educational professionals to assess the school anxiety of children and adolescents.

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Child and youth school anxiety: a review of self-reports. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 43-50.


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