Influence of early numeracy skills on later performance

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Jessica Mercader Ruiz
Mª Jesús Presentación Herrero
Rebeca Siegenthaler Hierro


The objective of this longitudinal study was to examine the predictive value of early numeracy skills of counting, logical operations and magnitude comparison abilities evaluated in Kindergarten on the formal and informal aspects of mathematical performance in 2nd grade of Primary School. The initial sample consisted of 209 preschoolers aged 5 to 6 years, 180 of whom were retested two years later. In Kindergarten, different tasks of the TEDI-MATH battery (Grégoire, Noël, and Van Nieuwenhoven, 2005) were applied, which evaluate counting skills (procedural and conceptual), logical operations (seriation, classification, conservation and inclusion) and magnitudes comparison abilities (symbolic and non-symbolic). Two years later, the TEMA-3 test (Gingsburg and Baroody, 2003) was administered to assess different aspects related to mathematical performance. The results showed that 5 of the 8 tasks applied in Kindergarten are able to predict the subsequent mathematical performance, with a special weight of the ability to manage verbal numerical sequence (procedural counting). The implications of these findings for psychoeducational research and practice are discussed.

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Influence of early numeracy skills on later performance. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 243-252.


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