Viviendo la edad en positivo. El envejecimiento como riqueza del ser humano
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

Escribir una presentación para nuestra revista “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología”, en su año XXXVI, nº 1, y que, en este caso, hemos consensuado con el título para el monográfico de:“Psicología al encuentro con la salud”, me obliga a referirme y reflexionar sobre los dos conceptos implicados: “Psicología” y “Salud”. Sé que cuando me pongo a efectuar una “presentación” del nuevo numero de la revista, -como ocurre en este momento-, siempre me interrogo qué deberé indicar o qué deberé plasmar en esos pocos párrafos que me obligo a dejar escritos. Ante un sentimiento dudoso, -quizás también perezoso- mi mundo interno y mi experiencia me dice que con la ilusión y con el trabajo animoso se revitalizará todo como nuevo, que la ilusión desenmascarará mis temores, cambiará mi posición, me hará salir de aquello que se me hace farragoso, y me ayudará a amar y a vivir ilusionado, aquello que hago, incluso cueste lo que me cueste… y sabiendo que “lo que puedas hacer hoy no lo dejes para mañana” me pongo a ello.
Afirmo y creo que la ilusión y el enfoque positivo hará que piense en aquello que necesite activar y/o cambiar en la vida, y no desistir y dejar a un lado lo negativo, sino emprender la tarea de convertirlo en positivo. Y la ilusión es importante y constante en este caso. Ilusión sí, pero solo ella no basta, deberé responder también con rigor, cientificidad, con actualidad. El sentimiento es, en este caso, positivo y trataré de reflexionar, sobre todo lo que me exige el estar haciendo una presentación de una Revista Científica como la nuestra.

Living age in a positive way. Aging as a richness of the human being
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

Escribir una presentación para nuestra revista “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología”, en su año XXXVI, nº 1, y que, en este caso, hemos consensuado con el título para el monográfico de: “Psicología al encuentro con la salud”, me obliga a referirme y reflexionar sobre los dos conceptos implicados: “Psicología” y “Salud”.
Sé que cuando me pongo a efectuar una “presentación” del nuevo numero de la revista, -como ocurre en este momento-, siempre me interrogo qué deberé indicar o qué deberé plasmar en esos pocos párrafos que me obligo a dejar escritos. Ante un sentimiento dudoso, -quizás también perezoso- mi mundo interno y mi experiencia me dice que con la ilusión y con el trabajo animoso se revitalizará todo como nuevo, que la ilusión desenmascarará mis temores, cambiará mi posición, me hará salir de aquello que se me hace farragoso, y me ayudará a amar y a vivir ilusionado, aquello que hago, incluso cueste lo que me cueste… y sabiendo que “lo que puedas hacer hoy no lo dejes para mañana” me pongo a ello. Afirmo y creo que la ilusión y el enfoque positivo hará que piense en aquello que necesite activar y/o cambiar en la vida, y no desistir y dejar a un lado lo negativo, sino emprender la tarea de convertirlo en positivo. Y la ilusión es importante y constante en este caso. Ilusión sí, pero solo ella no basta, deberé responder también con rigor, cientificidad, con actualidad. El sentimiento es, en este caso, positivo y trataré de reflexionar, sobre todo lo que me exige el estar haciendo una presentación de una Revista Científica como la nuestra. Ello se me representa, en lo más intimo, como una exigencia lucida y diáfana, ilusionada y positiva. Con su carga de exigencia, pero positiva. Una revista bien posicionada científicamente y con muchos años de publicación lo exige. Estamos en el año 36 desde sus orígenes y siempre activa y presente. La “Presentación” es solo un pequeño detalle ante el “todo científico” de la Revista. El poco ante el mucho. Recuerdo aquí el texto de Tagore cuando decía “Una vez hablé del mar al arroyuelo, y el arroyuelo pensó que mi imaginación era exagerada. Y en otra ocasión hablé del arroyuelo al mar y el mar pensó que yo era un despreciativo difamador”. Ni la presentación debe ser un “arroyuelo” mínimo frente a un “mar” inmenso (nuestra revista), ni tampoco un “mar” inmenso debe serlo frente a un arroyuelo. Ni una imaginación exagerada, ni un espíritu despreciativo. Cierto que el conjunto de ciencia implícita, en este numero, y en estos años pasados, de la revista, es un “mar inmenso”, y vivirlo así nos llena de tanta ilusión que ya ello recompensa todo lo pensable a este “arroyuelo” de “Presentación”.

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

We define the essential topic of the journal's number: “LIVING AGE POSITIVELY” with a subtitle: “Ageing as a wealth of the human being.” This is a topic that reveals us to very specific realities. And that reminds us that it is an autumn number, and that we collect several articles about the passing of the years, about the age of fruits, about the memory and longevity.
Since our origins, INFAD Journal has been created and grown as a spokesperson for articles with a Positive Psychology orientation, a task for which we must be imaginative, creative, aware of the possibilities, and know how to analyze the realities of our current world. Flee from fear of the future and change, and face it and rethink it with clear certainties and positive determination. That is the way of being and thinking within INFAD.
Reflection and analysis should help us to have a non-ethnocentric vision of the world around us, to be creative, to be explorers in the environments that surround us, in any of their manifestations; To not only be spectators, but also authors. These reflective approaches about what we want for the future should lead us not to remain on the sidelines, passive or mere critics of what others undertake, but to learn and be effective. Life, the years, are those realities that happen to you without realizing it because you are busy doing other things. We must get involved!

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

This issue is important for the 35th anniversary of the magazine. "ABOUT THE SOCIAL AND THE MENTAL HEALTH", "Science and psychology cultivating mental health" is very significant. It involves the human being as that "OTHER" and gives richness and meaning to the human being. That “Other", the constant object of our concern at INFAD, is the human person. Their mental health, dignity, life, physical health, yes, but especially that inner world that sometimes needs so much help. All this deserves to show our support, and our research, our scientific work in a clear and generous way. We want that to be our main objective in this issue of this magazine. The objectives that we set ourselves have focused on making known this concern for the Other.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

This issue is important for the 35th anniversary of the magazine. "ABOUT THE SOCIAL AND THE MENTAL HEALTH", "Science and psychology cultivating mental health" is very significant. It involves the human being as that "OTHER" and gives richness and meaning to the human being. That “Other", the constant object of our concern at INFAD, is the human person. Their mental health,  dignity, life, physical health, yes, but especially that inner world that sometimes needs so much help. All this deserves to show our support, and our research, our scientific work in a clear and generous way. We want that to be our main objective in this issue of this magazine. The objectives that we set ourselves have focused on making known this concern for the Other.

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

In the presentation of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” previous number (in 2021), we indicated that presenting a new number of this Journal was a great satisfaction for us. Doing so indicates life, activity, development, profession, vocation and dedication, progress and, above all, leaving a written record of science, and now, with new technologies, also leaving a testimony “in the cloud” of everything published. "What is not known does not exist" we say in colloquial language and it is real and true. Hence our effort, our enthusiasm and our satisfaction in doing so. With that "satisfaction", when I make the presentation for this first number of the year 2022, I associate that we are already in the number 1 of the thirty-fourth year (XXXIV) since its origins, and I cannot forget the steps taken. 34 are many years and many walks given by the INFAD journal that frames the baggage of its history, focused on satisfactions, in the published copies, which have been many and, within those many, also very many articles included in them. We have grown in significance and in databases that welcome us as points of reference for possible appointments. (DIALNET, LATINDEX, PSICODOC, REDALIYC, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS, ULRICH, ISOC, DICE, SHERPA-ROMEO, MIAR, AURORA, CORE, etc.).

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

In the presentation of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” previous number (in 2021), we indicated that presenting a new number of this Journal was a great satisfaction for us. Doing so indicates life, activity, development, profession, vocation and dedication, progress and, above all, leaving a written record of science, and now, with new technologies, also leaving a testimony “in the cloud” of everything published. "What is not known does not exist" we say in colloquial language and it is real and true. Hence our effort, our enthusiasm and our satisfaction in doing so. With that "satisfaction", when I make the presentation for this first number of the year 2022, I associate that we are already in the number 1 of the thirty-fourth year (XXXIV) since its origins, and I cannot forget the steps taken. 34 are many years and many walks given by the INFAD journal that frames the baggage of its history, focused on satisfactions, in the published copies, which have been many and, within those many, also very many articles included in them. We have grown in significance and in databases that welcome us as points of reference for possible appointments. (DIALNET, LATINDEX, PSICODOC, REDALIYC, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS, ULRICH, ISOC, DICE, SHERPA-ROMEO, MIAR, AURORA, CORE, etc.).

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)

INFAD Journal. No. 2, vol. 3, year 2021

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)

We said in a previous issue that "it is a satisfaction to present a new issue of the" International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Journal of Psychology”. We are healthy, we have overcome the  COVID-19 pandemic, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that we are not aware of colleagues who have left us because of the virus.

Positive Psychology and Health together are a good conjunction. The years 2020 and 2021 have been difficult, complicated, that we can hardly forget and that has cast doubt on many of the certainties we had, although it has helped us to find others. The Pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life and has made us face unimaginable situations.

We and our INFAD Journal are always keen on searching the positive side of things. INFAD has always Positive Psychology as its guide, north and support when facing difficulties. Ever! Even in complicated situations such as in the face of this harsh and difficult pandemic reality, we have helped each other with positive responses and we have learned a lot. We strongly believe this virus, which has turned the world we knew upside down, has taught us something positive. From all the positive or negative experiences that we have had to live throughout our lives, we can always draw a positive conclusion.

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

We said in a previous issue that "it is a satisfaction to present a new issue of the" International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Journal of Psychology”. We are healthy, we have overcome the  COVID-19 pandemic, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that we are not aware of colleagues who have left us because of the virus.

Positive Psychology and Health together are a good conjunction. The years 2020 and 2021 have been difficult, complicated, that we can hardly forget and that has cast doubt on many of the certainties we had, although it has helped us to find others. The Pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life and has made us face unimaginable situations.

We and our INFAD Journal are always keen on searching the positive side of things. INFAD has always Positive Psychology as its guide, north and support when facing difficulties. Ever! Even in complicated situations such as in the face of this harsh and difficult pandemic reality, we have helped each other with positive responses and we have learned a lot. We strongly believe this virus, which has turned the world we knew upside down, has taught us something positive. From all the positive or negative experiences that we have had to live throughout our lives, we can always draw a positive conclusion.

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)

Presentar un nuevo número de la “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” es una satisfacción. Estamos sanos, hemos superado la Pandemia, el COVID-19, y seguimos activos. Hemos pasado de la dificultad a la superación en positivo y al aprendizaje. Hemos sido y somos resilientes. Y es también una alegría poder comentar que no tenemos conocimiento de compañeros que nos hayan dejado por culpa del virus. Psicología Positiva y Salud son una buena conjunción.

Desde aquí una invitación a colaborar, a presentar las investigaciones, a ser y sernos útiles.

Badajoz 15 de mayo 2021

Florencio Vicente Castro
Director - Editor de la “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD: Revista de Psicología”

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

Present a new issue of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” is a satisfaction. We are healthy, we have overcome the Pandemic, COVID-19, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that any of  our colleagues have left us because of the virus. Positive Psychology and Health are a good conjunction.

From here an invitation to collaborate, to present research, to be and be useful to us.

Badajoz, May 15th 2021

Florencio Vicente Castro
Director - Editor of “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD: Revista de Psicología”

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)

Present a new issue of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” is a satisfaction. We are healthy, we have overcome the Pandemic, COVID-19, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that any of  our colleagues have left us because of the virus. Positive Psychology and Health are a good conjunction.

From here an invitation to collaborate, to present research, to be and be useful to us.

Badajoz, May 15th 2021

Florencio Vicente Castro
Director - Editor of “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD: Revista de Psicología”


Positive Psychology
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)