Profile of the mediator. interactive model mediation integrator (miim)

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Isabel Luján Henríquez


The objective of this paper is to analyze the profile of the mediator in the Interactive Interactive Model of Mediation (MIIM, Luján 2015) from a theoretical and empirical foundation.

Mediation is the channel where the objective, subjective and contextual elements that make up the conflict on the part of the people immersed in it manifest themselves and converge. The mediator is the channel of transmission that allows such convergence and helps the modeling-and modulation-of the controversy through the establishment of a facilitating dynamic that enables the positive integration of the dispute.

For the optimal achievement of both functions, it is necessary to change the perspective, to withdraw to broaden and deepen, to include without reservation the interaction of all the referred elements and to take them as a unit, a whole, an integrum.


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How to Cite
Luján Henríquez, I. (2015). Profile of the mediator. interactive model mediation integrator (miim). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 491–500.


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