Study on the integration in a specific classroom, of a health, of diagnosed student as a challenging challenger and its possible inclusion in ordinary classroom
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It is known that, nowadays, with the arrival of the inclusive school, in our classrooms we find a greater functional diversity in the students than in the past, diversity that is not always known and accepted within normality. The present investigation, based on the real experience, has as objective the integration in an IES of specific classroom of students affected by serious behavior disorders, such as the defiant negativist disorder, for its later inclusion in the ordinary classroom, in principle, under supervision. The sample consists of 5 subjects whose ages range between 13 and 15 years, who, due to serious alterations in their behavior, can not have full-time schooling in the ordinary classroom. Three of these students are enrolled in 1st of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and 2 of them in 2nd. The serious behavioral problems led to the application of a behavior modification program and a cognitive restructuring and a self-control training.
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