Comprehensive training of educators and teachers from a psychosocioeducational perspective

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María Cristina Salvador Robles
María Dolores Jurado Jiménez


Among the purposes of the Spanish Educational System, we find “the full development of the personality and the abilities of the students” (MECD, 2013. art.2) that is, contribute to its integral growth. This same regulation contemplates that “public services will provide primary attention to teacher training”. But, are educators and teachers really being trained in an integral way? From this arises our approach considering that this training is currently not contemplated as such in the study plans of future teachers in Spanish universities.
This paper explains how the Enneagram has been integrated, as part of a university education in a transversal way (during the academic courses 2017/18 and 2018/19), in the Degree in Early Childhood Education and in the MAES (CEU Cardenal Spínola CEU - University of Seville) and the Degree in Social Education (Pablo de Olavide University of Seville) included as content in various subjects. The main objective of this study is to analyze the validation and perception that our student body show when discovering and working with a new tool that help them get to know each other and perceive the other’s reality from a different perspective. The procedure in the classroom has been made with theoretical contributions and introspection dynamics facilitating individual and group communication. In this work, a qualitative methodology is used where the information recorded in questionnaires, diaries, reflections and individual interviews with the participating students (a total of 110) is analyzed. The results indicate that there is a strong interest to know more about this tool and go into more depth, since this training process has led to the awareness of the need for development, both personally and professionally. The discussion of these results, revolves around discovering how Enneagram and other tools- that provide a better understanding-, work.


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How to Cite
Salvador Robles, M. C., & Jurado Jiménez, M. D. (2019). Comprehensive training of educators and teachers from a psychosocioeducational perspective. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 97–106.
Author Biographies

María Cristina Salvador Robles, CEU

CEU Cardenal Spínola CEU
Centro adscrito a la Universidad de Sevilla 

María Dolores Jurado Jiménez, Universidad de Sevilla

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Universidad de Sevilla


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