Screening protocol for emotional hypervigilance in post-traumatic stress disorder in victims of gender violence

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Sarai Mata Gil
Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
Luz Mª Fernández Mateos
Sonia González Díez
Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho


This research faces the gender violence from a cognitive perspective and within the context of emotional hypervigilance specifically. The main objective of this research consists on designing a screening to detect Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) protocol in victims of gender violence (domestic), based on the Emotional Stroop. Moreover, from this perspective, we have analyzed variables directly related to the gender violence (domestic) crime, such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In this study we show the effectiveness and significance of this test as a detector of PTSD in victims of gender violence (domestic).


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Mata Gil, S., Sánchez Cabaco, A., Fernández Mateos, L. M., González Díez, S., & Pérez Lancho, M. C. (2014). Screening protocol for emotional hypervigilance in post-traumatic stress disorder in victims of gender violence. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 187–204.


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