The metaphors in the difficulties of learning

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Mireia Serra Sala
Carme Timoneda Gallart


What happens in the brain when we learn? This question will guide any cognitive intervention. What we know is that learning involves connecting neurons, as a kind of building road network, highways, freeways and shortcuts so that the movement as smooth as possible. Knit this network is not easy and requires work and effort regularly, along the development and schooling, we ask our children and adolescents. In this case it’s important that the teacher becomes the mediator between knowledge and students, so that involved in what they learn. But to engage the student must develop strategies that enable children are found willing and motivated to learn. In this sense, the metaphor can be considered a resource to support meaningful learning. In which create new networks and synchronicities, the brain, the process by which knowledge is connected and updated.


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How to Cite
Serra Sala, M., & Timoneda Gallart, C. (2014). The metaphors in the difficulties of learning. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 7(1), 17–24.


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