What motivations and expectations are the future teachers approaching the educational profession?

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Nagore Guerra Bilbao
Clemente Lobato Fraile


In the perspective of teacher professional identity, this study attempts to explore the factors that influence its construction. The objective is to identify key factors such as motivation, interest and expectations of students report having to initiate studies of the degree of Education. The methodological framework lies in the approach both quantitative and qualitative, that permits to the analysis obtained. Finally, we have to conclude that student teachers move through a range of motivations and expectations that have to do mainly with vocational altruism and social prestige and quality of life now believe offers the teaching profession.


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Guerra Bilbao, N., & Lobato Fraile, C. (2015). What motivations and expectations are the future teachers approaching the educational profession?. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 331–342. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2015.n1.v1.80



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