Prevention and intervention of learning difficulties in reading

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Sonia Alfonso Gil
Manuel Deaño Deaño
Aida Ramos Trigo
Ángeles Conde Rodríguez
María Elena Gayo Álvarez
Valentín Iglesias-Sarmiento
Sandra Limia González
Fernando Tellado González


Programs of strategic and mediated reading instruction based on cognitive processes allow the effective mastery of this specific skill, as well as the improvement of cognitive processes. Students of 2nd, 5th, and 6th grade of Primary Education, with and without risk of reading difficulty, participated in the implementation of this type of programs. The 2nd-grade students, at risk of reading difficulty, received a reinforcement program in reading skills with a methodology designed so that learning to read took place spontaneously through the internalization of principles and strategies. The students of 5th and 6th grade, without risk of reading difficulty, participated in a program of reading comprehension based on the strategic and metacognitive instruction of this skill. In 2nd grade, the results indicated a significant improvement of successive cognitive processing, associated with the mastery of phonological awareness. In 5th and 6th grade, significant improvements were obtained in reading comprehension and in the cognitive process of planning, linked to the use of strategies and to learning supervision and regulation. For some student, the 2nd-graders, the use of this type of intervention programs constitutes the best prevention of learning difficulty, as it significantly improves their scores in successive processing. The results obtained in 5th and 6th grade extend our existing knowledge of the efficacy of instruction programs in reading comprehension by including support through questions formulated in the learning context in order to make the students aware of the most efficient cognitive strategies for the development of reading competence.


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Alfonso Gil, S., Deaño Deaño, M., Ramos Trigo, A., Conde Rodríguez, Ángeles, Gayo Álvarez, M. E., Iglesias-Sarmiento, V., Limia González, S., & Tellado González, F. (2017). Prevention and intervention of learning difficulties in reading. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 71–82.


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