The self-management of emotions and feelings to "be good people"
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Teachers are often in classroom environmentswhere emotions emerge. In this article we present a teaching approach called “self-management of problems”, in which emotions and their management are addressed in class through the assembly. For example, when students are involved in making decisions and self-managing their problems, different points of view, consonances and dissonances emerge that bring out emotions such as empathy, anger orlove. In order to encourage active participation of students in their assemblies, it is essential for the student to manage some emotions such as shame or fear. We show the results of implementing a training proposal for Selfmanagement of problems for PE at a peri-urban school in Huércal de Almería (Spain), during the academic year 2011-2012. The analysis of what happens in the assemblies from an emotional perspective allows describing and identifying what happens in the process.
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