An empirical model of personal self-regulation and teaching regulatory, to predict the process and the product variables
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Introduction. The present study examines how personal self-regulation and regulatory teaching relates to learning approaches, strategies for coping with stress, and self-regulated learning (as process variables of learning) and, finally, how it relates to performance and satisfaction with the teaching-learning process (as product variables). In this investigation, we built two different empirical models based on the presage-process-product paradigms to clarify potential effects of (1) personal self-regulation and (2) regulatory teaching with other cognitive-emotional variables. Method. A total of 1101 students participated in the study (University of Almería and competitive students). In terms of data collection, it is a survey investigation using self-reports (questionnaires and scales) and a cross-sectional strategy. The analyses made to meet the proposed objectives and test hypotheses were structural for develop structural models. Results. The results provide empirical evidence for two models, consistent and significant, integrating variables that are part and influence the teaching-learning process of this educational level (university and candidates). Discusion and conclusion. Findings confirming the importance of the interactive, integrative model of teaching-learning (DEDEPRO), which assumes that self-regulated learning should be connected to regulatory teaching. Variables incorporated into the models validated in this study consolidate the idea that both personal factors and teaching and learning factors should be taken into consideration, since we are dealing with a formal context of teaching-learning.
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