Do educational practices influence the development of children´s emotional intelligence?

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Aida Carrillo
Cordelia Estévez
María Dolores Gómez-Medina


The family is the main context of socialization of the child, which favors the development of emotional skills. Therefore, the family plays an essential role in establishing the basis of the child’s identity, influencing the development of their self-concept and self-esteem (Lila and Marchetti, 1995). In this sense, it is the democratic style of parents (Ramírez-Lucas, Ferrando and Sainz, 2015) that correlates more than others with the level of emotional intelligence of their children during the first years of life.
The objective is to describe the relationship between the different practices that make up the different perceived parental educational styles and the level of emotional intelligence in their children.
The sample consisted of 249 students between 9 and 12 years old, 53.4% girls and 46.6% boys.

The following variables were evaluated through the instruments described. Perceived parenting styles: Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ). Emotional Intelligence: BarOn ICE: NA Abbreviated (Bar-On, R.) We found significant positive correlations between the dimensions Maternal involvement,
parental involvement and positive parenting related to the democratic parenting style and the dimensions of emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, adaptability and positive impression in children, as well as with the level of general emotional intelligence of these. On the other hand, the dimensions of poor supervision, inconsistent discipline and severe discipline correlated negatively with the skills of interpersonal relationships, stress management and positive impression, as well as the total emotional intelligence score.

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How to Cite

Do educational practices influence the development of children´s emotional intelligence?. (2018). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 203-212.


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