The training of future professionals in the fields of education, science and technology and primary school, through the phase of training in internships and their effective teaching skills

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Silvia Joaquina Pech Campos
Ana Isabel Callejas Albiñana
Lilia González Velázquez


This study relates the significance of the supervised training practices of the Degrees of Preschool and Primary Education, in the cohorts 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, with the self-assessment of the generation of the Skills-perceived of Effective Teaching (EE) . Evaluation mechanisms are used, of 360 degrees, from the aspects of; Context, Input, Process and Product, CIPP Model. Actions are carried out in order to determine and judge the effectiveness of said training process in the professors’ competency profile at the aforementioned levels.

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Author Biographies

Silvia Joaquina Pech Campos

Prof. AD en la UCLM. Depto. de Psicología
Dra. en Filosofía y C. de la Educación. UCM

Lilia González Velázquez

Profesora Titular. UNACH. Dra. en Filosofía
y C. de la Educación, UCM

How to Cite

The training of future professionals in the fields of education, science and technology and primary school, through the phase of training in internships and their effective teaching skills. (2019). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 97-108.


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