Promotion positive emotions in the last stage of life

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Alba Vázquez Blanco
Andrea Morán Carrera


The human being experiences an immensity of emotions that are the ones that condition how we find ourselves in each moment and these become more noticeable and vulnerable at the end of life. Emotions largely affect the progress of our lives and determine our actions since they alter attention, memory and motivation and also limit our behaviors, affecting our health, wellbeing and, ultimately, our quality of life. That is why emotions play a very important role for health and that is why they have to be taken care of even more in advanced age in order to promote healthy behavior and thus avoid a potential health risk that will have a substantial impact on the elderly. So we health workers must work to find therapies and workshops that transform emotions into positive stimuli, motivations and learning. Emotional education pursues the prevention and reduction of situations that negatively affect physical and mental health that allows promoting emotional balance and a true state of well-being. This communication is intended to provide a theoretical and reflective synopsis about the development of emotions as one of the determining factors of the health and well-being of the elderly. 

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How to Cite

Promotion positive emotions in the last stage of life. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 85-94.


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