Remarkable factors in satisfaction in the life of Portuguese elderly: (case study in a day center in Castelo Branco)

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Ernesto Martins Candeias


The phenomenon of aging is approached by different scientific areas, since "aging" and old age "are heterogeneous realities that vary due to several factors became the path / lifestyles. We know that studies show that 'subjective well-being' is a hierarchical and multidimensional factor, which integrates the evaluative lack (cognitive and emotional nature) of the individual in his or her life. There is an association between the physical and psychological dimensions and levels of satisfaction with life of the elderly. The objectives to evaluate the life satisfaction of the senior day center of Castelo Branco, of the application of the 'satisfaction with the scale of life - ESV'; Verify the existence of an association between satisfaction factors and quality of life. The methodology of the study is quantitative descriptive / correlational. The sample includes the elderly (n = 22) of this urban institution (M = 15, H = 7), with a level of independence / autonomy or with mild dependence, with an average age of 78, 95 years. The techniques were the ESV of Diener et al., Observations, interview the participants 'focus group' on the subject of quality of life in aging (content analysis), documentary analysis of the institution and field notes. Adopt the statistical treatment of the SPSS 17.0 program. The results show some elements of scale (ideal of life, conditions, do not change the actions of the past), there is an association between age and living conditions, not to change the majority of older people the actions taken in the past.

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How to Cite

Remarkable factors in satisfaction in the life of Portuguese elderly: (case study in a day center in Castelo Branco). (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 17-28.


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