Socio-cultural variables and expectations of first-year higher education students
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The aim of this study was to determine which pre- college variables predict academic expectations of students, as relevant aspects of the Higher Education academic adaptation, commitment and personal development. The study was conducted with a sample of 358 students from first year of various degrees of the University of Vigo , Ourense Campus , aged between 17 and 53 years ( Mdn= 19 , 5.3 % greater than 24 years). Students were measured with Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (CPA), which assesses seven dimensions of academic expectations. The results obtained through multiple linear regression analysis, step by step, considering the level of education of the parents and the average access grade for Higher Education. Analysis shows that the educational level of the mother predicts positively and significantly expectations of social interaction of students. The educational level of the father predicts negatively and significantly expectations for training employment / career and political / citizenship implication and average access grade predicts positively and significantly expectations of political / citizenship implication and quality formation of ES students participating in this study. This paper presents and discusses these findings and their potential implications.
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