Communication abilities and problematic behavior in a supervised housing for people with intellectual disabilities

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Mª del Mar Molero Jurado
Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara
Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes
José Jesús Gázquez Linares


Today, new approaches to care for people with intellectual disabilities proceed an intervention based on the autonomy and social integration of person. In this line, to emerge resources such as sheltered housing, or small groups of coexistence in the community. The objective of the present study is evaluated social abilities and the problematic behavior, in a group of users of a home mentored for people with intellectual disabilities, from appraisement of the professionals who attend them. Was counted with the collaboration of three educators, who observed and recorded the verbal/non-verbal behavior and problematic behavior, six users of supervised housing. For this purpose, specific observation protocols were used and applied a scale of assessment of climate and center functioning. The results obtained, showed more disagreement among observers for non-verbal behaviors register, to verbal behavior. In problem behavior assessment, educators agree how more worrying use of threats by users, although they positively value of user´s tracking control rules. The heterogeneity that characterizes this group, supports the need to develop specific intervention programs, where will attend user’s characteristics, educator’s competence and resource design.

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Communication abilities and problematic behavior in a supervised housing for people with intellectual disabilities. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 295-304.


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