Social networks on the internet and the consequences of its use in university students

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Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara
Mª del Mar Molero Jurado
Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes
Isabel Mercader Rubio


Social networks has produced new forms of communication and interaction between people. The objective of this study is to analyze what is the application university students does to social networks. Moreover, we would like to know the consequences of their use in an inappropriate conduct. The research methodology focuses on a self-administered questionnaire call ad hoc which contains a total of 45 items, with multiple choice answer and it has application as a structured interview. We investigate issues related on the consequences that may result in the use of social networks. We collected information about the perception that college students had about the damage that internet use does. Finally, we come to the conclusion that social networks and Internet use can developed some problems for users.

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How to Cite

Social networks on the internet and the consequences of its use in university students. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 585-592.


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