Attitudes of students and health professionals on scientific research

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António Saraiva
Maria Irene Caires
Cristina Santos


Introduction: Sets up “attitude” as a disposition or a preparedness to act in a way anteposition the other in a positive or negative.
Purpose: It is important to identify and analyze the diverse attitudes that are expressed by students and health professionals, before a methodical study. As such, it is expected to demonstrate that there is a relationship between attitudes towards scientific research and certain factors such as gender, age, the current situation, the level of schooling, whether or not health care, or not the educational supervisor and parents. 
Materials and methods: The sample comprised 327 individuals, which are part of students and professionals in health in Portugal, through the questionnaire responses acquired “Face Attitudes to Scientific Research.”
Results: The females have more difficulty in understanding the concept of research (58%) in early ages, they are more concerned and aware than males. The higher the degree greater predisposition to investigate. The student- workers tend to have more difficulties. On the other hand, the guiding research projects and professionals in health care have fewer difficulties in the investigation. The parent with higher educational attainment has a direct impact on respondents.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between attitudes towards research with some socio-demographic factors. Overall, males have a more positive attitude than women, the same happens in early ages. It was shown that the greater the degree of the respondent, the greater the ability in research.

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Author Biography

António Saraiva, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra

Licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Uex

Máster en Gestión Publicitaria por la UCM

Doctorando en Comunicación y Psicología

How to Cite

Attitudes of students and health professionals on scientific research. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 599-610.


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