Use of internet and its relationship with family climate and bullying

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Mª del Carmen Pichardo Martínez
María Fernández Cabezas
Mª Trinidad García Berbén
Ana Belén García Berbén


More and more teens are starting to use the Internet, because of the fast pace with which our society is digitized. Their first contact with this tool are produced mostly in the field schooling due to its forced utilization for learning about new technologies of information and communication. An misfit use can cause the emergence of maladaptive behaviors, such as bullying or cyberbullying. So it is important to research on the social climate in the classroom and the family as direct scenario where children develop a caring atmosphere influencing them different educational styles. Depending on how your education and develop social or antisocial guidelines. These behaviours reflecting itself in both physical and virtual reality. To prevent, it is important to investigate the factors that predispose or warn one unadapted tuning in Internet use.

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Use of internet and its relationship with family climate and bullying. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 245-254.


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