Aspects of personality and premorbid personality in parkinson's disease

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Charles Rodrigues
Florencio Vicente Castro
Paula Figueiredo


This research aimed to identify and analyze the changes in personality and premorbid personality among elderly with Parkinson’s disease and elderly with normal aging. The sample consisted by 340 participants, where personality was assessed with 170 participants divided by two groups: experimental group (EG), with 40 participants, average age of M = 82,23, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and a control group (CG), with 45 participants with average age of M = 83,47 with normal aging. For evaluation of the premorbid personality had participated 170 caregivers, divided in identical conditions to the above groups. The instrument applied for seniors and caregivers was the personality inventory NEO-FFI. The results didn’t show significant differences in the Parkinson’s personality, while the premorbid personality showed differences in extroversion and agreeableness.

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How to Cite

Aspects of personality and premorbid personality in parkinson’s disease. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 195-204.


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