Psychology and education: internationalization of research and teaching

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Feliciano H. Velga


The issue of internationalization of research and teaching has risen as important and current in different domains and theoretical models, despite the lack of studies and the necessity of deepening the existing ones. The main purpose of this conference was to consider some specificities of the internalization of research and teaching in psychology and education. Address the transactional dimension of research and teaching implied attending to several variables such as education and values, humanization, democratization, fragilities, investments, knowledge environments, visibility, assessment, projects and bilateral agreements. The considered problem was: how do relationships between these variables occur, considering the multiple interactions which constrain them, rising global challenges and the search for countries interactions? The concept of higher education internationalization has emerged encompassing a diversity of related notions and several development phases. Internationalization was conceptualized as international education related exchanges, and globalization was understood as an advanced phase of the internationalization process (Bartell, 2003). The lack of empirical studies was noticed, even though conceptual perspectives may be found, which point to answers to the difficulties found by psychology and education in affirming themselves in the challenges aroused by the internationalization of research and teaching, both in general and in the luso-american knowledge sphere. Throughout history, one can notice that the biggest error in education and science was the “help to the most powerful”, in the war and in the starvation. We conclude about the urgency to humanize science, internalizing it, approaching it to the citizens, whatever their country is. Sociopolitical implications are mentioned, as well as intervention suggestions, heading an education for all.

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How to Cite

Psychology and education: internationalization of research and teaching. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 205-214.


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