Profile of the older people that use assisted living residences

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Carlos Dosil Díaz
Patricia Mª Iglesias Souto
Eva Mª Taboada Ares
Agustín Dosil Maceiras
José Eulogio Real Deus


The nursing homes (residences) for older people that are dependent (commonly referred to assisted or assisted living) are conceived nowadays, as open gerontology centers for personal development, and where an interprofessional socio-health care is provided. They represent facilities providing specialized and comprehensive care to people who have high levels of dependency. Therefore, they are aimed at users who respond to an specific profile: people with disabilities as result of degenerative or neurological diseases, with serious difficulties in ambulation, with a high degree of senility and/or in a situation of dependency due to a mental disorder. In this work, we study the profile of users of state residences with assisted living in Galicia through the analysis of their health, functional, cognitive and social status, and we evaluate the degree of coincidence with the type profile to whom these centers aim to target. The results obtained indicate that, although most people in assisted living residences show functional dependence and cognitive problems, a major part of them, could get adequate care, according to their characteristics and those of their social network, in community-based services, such as home help service or day centers.

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How to Cite

Profile of the older people that use assisted living residences. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 291-298.


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