Teaching styles according to the gender in primary school teachers
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This research aims to analyze the differences in self-perceived competence dimensions of Primary School teachers in Spain according the gender. A sample of N=388 teachers in schools throught Spain of this educational level, answered the Likert self-rating scale ECAD -EP (Valdivieso, Carbonero and Martín-Anton, 2013) for the measurement of teaching style with three dimensions (a. Social and Emotional , b. Communicative and Relationship and c. Instructional). The process of data analysis focused on descriptive statistical calculations, and comparison of means (Mann-Whithey and Wilcoxon tests). The results showed that there were hardly any differences in self-perceptions of teaching variables, except in the social-emotional factor, which is higher in women. Thus we can say that in the teacher training process it is necessary to include emotional skills in order to equalize attitudes and skills in this subject.
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