Implications for teacher training: effectiveness beliefs from secondary teachers

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Natalia Reoyo Serrano
Miguel Ángel Carbonero Martín
Luis Jorge Martín Antón
José María Román Sánchez
Mª del Valle Flores Lucas
Alvaci Freitas Resende


Taking as starting point the current educational situation and the results of the PISA reports, which for years underline the high dropout rates and poor academic performance and motivation of our students, whenever you begin to place more emphasis on the importance of effective teaching. More and more is expected of the faculty, which requires that they have received appropriate training, a good intellectual preparation for their work and vocation recycling and continuous adaptation to new learning contexts. Specifically, this pilot study will try to offer an empirical analysis and reflection on the current profile of the effective teacher of Secondary Education, from the perspective of teachers themselves. Sample of teachers of Castilla y León both public schools and concluded.

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How to Cite

Implications for teacher training: effectiveness beliefs from secondary teachers. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 427-432.


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