Anxiety and school difficulties
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Anxiety can affect students with good or poor performance, however, there is evidence that students with learning problems have more anxiety. This study aimed to compare the anxiety levels of children without academic problems to those of children who have been referred to a clinical psychologist as the result of complaints related to the school setting. One-hundred seventeen students were evaluated, comprised of both sexes, aged between seven and eleven years and in 1st to 6th grade of private elementary schools in Minas Gerais state. Participants were divided into two groups: the clinical group consists of 37 students, who were referred to the psychologists by the school, and the general group, consisting of 80 students who do not have learning difficulties. The Inventory of School Anxiety was administered to determine anxiety levels. The results showed that the clinical group was significantly more anxious than the general group. The results corroborate literature that indicates that school problems are related to high levels of anxiety.
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