The sound of intelligence

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Andrea Irimia Nores
Guillermo Calviño Santos
Carmen Pomar Tojo


The QvO’s music workshop makes sense from the perspective of multiple and dynamic intelligence, defended by the Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, in which is proposed a new style of education that seeks to experience new sensations that aims to provide students the opportunity to discover their potential in relation to some of the intelligences defined by Gardner. The music workshop aims to offer a response to the necesity of training multiple sociemocionals and cognitive capabilities through a different, flexible and creative mean like music. Our project provides data favorable to the idea that intelligence can be trained through a new, open and creative methodology, which can respond to the needs and characteristics presented by the students of high capacity.

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How to Cite

The sound of intelligence. (2014). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 5(1), 503-510.


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