Music and enhancement of learning prerequisites

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Francesca Tinti


The music is used as an elective channel in the prevention of learning disorder.SLD (Specific Learning Disorder) is a specific learning disability
of neurobiological origin, characterized by a lack in a specific learning ability (reading , writing, computing). The preparatory music course was intended for children aged 4 to 6 years, that is the age in which the diagnosis of DSA cannot yet be done but we can still identify children at risk through the evaluation of the prerequisites for learning. Objective: preventative intervention on learning difficulties through the enhancement of prerequisites for reading and writing using preparatory music, during preschool years. Method: The examined sample consists of 50 preschooler aged 4 to 6. The Prcr2 Cornoldi test (2010) had been administered to the sample, before and after the treatment, which consisted in a 4 months project of preparatory musical activities based on pre-writing and pre-reading the 7 notes (on the staff). Conclusions: The data obtained show that the musical activities correlates positively with the positive evolution of the pre-requisites of learning.

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Author Biography

Francesca Tinti

Laurea in psicologia

Attestato di competenze superiori per soprani e contralti

How to Cite

Music and enhancement of learning prerequisites. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 315-320.


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