The use of cinema in the knowledge of disability: Didactic proposal in the degree of teacher
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In this new curricular framework, university teaching staff take on new methodological challenges that make us reflect on how to train competent and critical people with attitudes of respect, solidarity and with open and flexible points of view. With the emergence of information and communication technologies, there have been important changes in the methodological field that have affected the way of teaching with the media, one of these media is cinema. The inclusion of cinema in university teaching methodologies can mean a pedagogical innovation that breaks with the traditional passive and transmission model and gives protagonism to the students so that they can create their own knowledge. From this perspective, the aim of this study has been to use cinema as methodological resources to work on subjects of the Infant and Primary Education Teacher’s Degree on disability. 156 second year students (61 from the Infant Grade and 95 from the Primary Grade) took part in the training. A didactic proposal has been implemented through a selection of films according to each disability and a work guide prior to the viewing of the film and after it. A self-evaluation rubric was designed for the activity carried out. The planned didactic proposal has shown not only the acquisition of contents referring to the disabilities worked without also favourable beliefs towards it, as well as very positive levels of satisfaction with the methodology used with the inclusion of cinema in the teaching and learning process.
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