Sensibilation and attention strategies for the interes generationin the language learning
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The generation of learning processes in the Language Arts area is one of the challenges that high school teachers takes, to a generation that every day is losing interest for oral and written communication uses by the appearance of Telematics and virtues and benefits that provide in the transfer of information through channels such as internet and their tributaries. In this context of competing interests , the psycho pedagogy models offered contain in their elements a set of mental processes that explored from neuroscience are responsible for building cognitive schemes that result highly significant and lasting learning, to enable the bachelor exceed the test quality standards implemented by the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEVAL) and the National Test of higher Education (ENES) requirements to pass the intermediate level and join higher education respectively. The experience performed at the Center for Teaching Practice: Juan Montalvo High School of Education Faculty of University Eloy Alfaro of Manabi, begins in an exploration of the strategies used by teachers and evaluation of students response against these methodologies, which generated the key to try new practices that combine cooperative purposes to intercultural practices with specific strategies language learning idea.
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