Savings for retirement and the millennial generation in Mexico: perception about the importance of having a retirement fund
Основное содержимое статьи
The aim of this study focused on knowing the existing relation between Savings, Financial Capability, Future forecast and Retirement funds in relation to gender, which allows to determine the Savings culture, while also proving if there is a relationship between Savings, Financial Capability, Future forecast and Retirement funds in relation to gender among the population known as Millennial generation. The study is non-experimental, approached from the hypothetic-deductive paradigm, it is descriptive and correlational, as well as transversallycut. The participants were 89 Millennials(73% women and 27% men), whoseagesranged between 18 to 35 years old. The sample was non-probabilistic by auto-determination, since the technique used was “snowball sampling”, which consisted on sharing the instrument through social networks. For the study, the survey designed by the Mexican National Commission of Retirement Savings System (2017) was used. For the data capture and analysis, the program SPSS Statistics v23 was used and the measurement technique was Pearson s Chi square with df and sig <0.05. The main results show how young millennials have not thought about retirement or at least, they are currently not taking action on this issue, hence, they have not decided to save money for the future at the moment.
Regarding the parametricresults, it was determined that thereis no relationship between what millennials perceive about keeping a record of monthly income and expenses, what they would do in case they received an unexpected sum of money, receive a monthly pension, the retirement age, amount of the retirement pension and the knowledge of what a retirement fund is with the variable gender.
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